“Mommy, my eye is itching, and it hurts.”
“Well, don’t scratch it, you’ll make it worse! Has anyone in your class had Pink Eye lately?”
“Yeah, Reg went home yesterday with it. Why?”
“Well you can thank Reg for the day off, and a day of wanting to scratch your eyes out.”
Have you ever had Pink Eye? If you have, you know the crazy itching and soreness that comes with it. What can you do about it? What is a good Pink Eye treatment?
Pink Eye Treatment: What is Pink Eye?
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) is an infection and/or swelling of the membranous lining of the eyelids and lower eyeball (also known as the conjunctiva.) It is accompanied with a variety of symptoms:
- Redness
- Itching
- Eye Pain
- Gritty Feeling in the Eyes
- Sensitivity to Light
- Blurred Vision
- Crusts That Form on the Eyelid Overnight
All these symptoms can be very irritating, as well as painful. Many times it’s a child that needs Pink Eye treatment, and it can be very intense for all involved. As a former teacher I have seen Pink Eye sweep through a classroom like a flood. It’s highly contagious, and when the symptoms show up it’s obvious what’s happened.
Pink Eye Treatment: What Causes It?
Pink Eye is caused when the conjunctiva are exposed to bacteria or other irritants. It is spread through contact, whether it be another person, or the causative irritant. Viruses are a common cause of Conjunctivitis. There are other causes as well:
- Allergies (allergic conjunctivitis)
- Chemical Exposure
- Bacteria
- Certain Diseases
- Chlamydia
- Fungus
- Viruses
- Parasites (rare)
- Contact Lenses (improper cleaning or application)
- Birth (neonatal in the birth canal)
The Pink Eye treatment you need may depend on the type of Pink Eye you have. You can sometimes treat the symptoms, and other times you can treat the cause. As stated earlier it is spread mostly through contact, so another “cause” could be the person next to you.
Pink Eye Treatment: Treatments
There aren’t a lot of Pink Eye treatment options. The answer to why is twofold:
- The treatments we have are affective.
- Various forms of Conjunctivitis can be treated by one of the few Pink Eye treatment we have.
As stated, the treatments are based on the type you have. Viral is a different treatment from Bacterial, which is different from Allergic Conjunctivitis.
- Medication for Pink Eye/Antibiotic Eye Drops
- Treatment of the Allergy
- Cool or Warm Compresses
- Simply Letting it Resolve
Antibiotic Eye Drops
This Pink Eye treatment is used in treating mostly Bacterial Conjunctivitis. Usually a couple of drops, several times a day for 3-5 days, will alleviate the symptoms.
Treatment of the Allergy
Here is one of the types of Pink Eye that requires you treat not only the symptoms, but the cause. Without treating the allergy, you will not completely eliminate the possibility of the Conjunctivitis returning.
Cool or Warm Compresses
This is not so much a treatment as a comfort measure. With Pink Eye comes the burning, itching, and sometimes crusting of the eyes. Placing a cool or warm compress on your eyes when symptoms show up can help relieve those symptoms.
Let it Resolve (go away)
Some Pink Eye can’t be treated by any known method; it simply has to go away by itself. You can treat the symptoms, but it may take from 3-5 days to see improvement.
Pink Eye Treatment: Prevention
Perhaps the best Pink Eye treatment is to prevent it from ever happening. There are several steps you can use to prevent you, and those around you, from getting Pink Eye. You can even prevent others from passing it on to you by taking a few simple preventative measures.
- Good hygiene
- Do not share makeup
- Do not share towels
- Change pillowcases
- Keep your hands away from your face
- Replace eye cosmetics often
- Handle and clean contact lenses properly
- Wash your hands often
These are all proactive, personal steps that you can take to prevent Pink Eye. To keep from needing a Pink Eye treatment wash your hands often, but especially as you leave your workplace or school, and then again as you get home. Stopping the “infection highway” is a very important part of preventing Conjunctivitis.
What Is A Good Pink Eye Treatment?
That is a fairly simple question. First try and prevent it. If that doesn’t work pick the best Pink Eye treatment that fits your particular type of condition. Be it Pink Eye drops or allergy medicine, either way it will take a few days for your Pink Eye treatment to fix the problem.
What is Conjunctivitis?
a. Fear of the words And, But, and Or (Think about it!)
b. Pink Eye
c. A disease you get in your gums
d. Tearing of your conjuncts
True or False: Pink Eye has more than one cause.
a. True
b. False
Which is NOT a Pink Eye preventative measure?
a. Good hygiene
b. Wash hands often
c. Don’t lick other peoples eyeball
d. Take Immodium daily
Answers at the bottom of the page!
How To Cure Pink Eye Fast
Tired of waiting for that pesky little condition known as Pink eye to go away? For many people, this is not just “pesky” it’s downright menacing. There are several types of Pink Eye; some are borderline chronic, and Neil Eros has come up with an answer for all of them. Imagine you:
• NOT Scratching
• NOT hurting
With How To Cure Pink Eye Fast you can have that relief in as little as 72 hours. What Eros has put together is a comprehensive attack on Pink Eye of all types, starting with symptom relief in just a few hours.
You can’t go wrong with things like:
• Rapid Symptom Relief
• Treatment for All 5 Types of Pink Eye
• Dietary Tips for Boosting Your Immune System
• A 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Included with your Informative and Useful 39 page eBook, How To Cure Pink Eye Fast, are three bonus gifts that compliment your Pink Eye treatment book:
• Fifty Two Sunday Dinners (recipe book)
• Boost Your Self Esteem
• Positive Thinking-The Key To Success
I recommend Eros’ book to anyone who has suffered from the irritation known as Pink Eye. Within minutes you could be learning about the cure that can start working its magic on your suffering within hours.
Answers: 1) b, 2) a, 3) d
April 2, 2013 at 12:55 pm
I guess it’s like most infections, you mostly have to wait for it to clear up on its own. Glad there are ways to make it less annoying though. I remember having it when I was a child.
April 5, 2013 at 3:37 pm
You can treat some forms of Pink Eye Carrie, depending on it’s cause. Most of the time it will resolve on it’s own,but if it is persistent, you would need to see a doctor. Thanks for the comments.
March 20, 2013 at 7:01 pm
Thanks for the testimony Emily. Sometimes people can be carriers of the condition and not know it. If you have any contact with that person, or a surface they touched, you can contract the condition; even if the carrier shows no sign.
March 16, 2013 at 11:37 pm
Yeesh! I went through several bouts of pink eye in the course of two years. I know I shouldn’t have, but I had a steady supply of eye drops to treat it left over from the last time I had it.