“Cherlene what is that on your eye?”
“Ohh Girl, where you at, I can’t see a blessed thing.”
“It might have something to do with that thing on your face, what is it?!?!”
“It’s Skunk Butt! I heard this thing is a home remedies for Pink Eye.”
“Is it working . . . Cherlene? . . . Cherlene? Oh Lord, she done went to the bathroom in my closet! Get out of there!”
Are you wanting desperately to get rid of your Pink Eye? Are you looking to use home remedies for Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) to do it? Well, as you’ll see, there are a lot of “home” treatments out there.
Home Remedies for Pink Eye: Treat With Caution
In writing about this topic I have discovered that the “home remedy” section of my study material is huge. The number of treatments out there is crazy! That being said, I start with this:
*DO NOT use any Natural Pink Eye Remedy that you have not thoroughly investigated
and checked out with your physician. Taking medications and treatments without knowing
the side effects can be dangerous, and in allergic reactions can cause death.*
Home Remedies for Pink Eye: Know Your Enemy
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) is the inflammation and infection of the conjunctiva located on the inside of you eyelids and outer eyeball. It is not just “red eyes”; to find out if you actually have it, you’ll need to visit your doctor and let her run a “swab test”.
It is caused basically by three things:
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Allergens (substance your allergic to)
Which one you have will influence your treatment plan. For example:
- Viral Conjunctivitis – Can’t be cured by home remedies for Pink Eye, as it has no known treatment. It must simply run its course (8-10 days.)
- Allergic Conjunctivitis – Can only be resolved by treating the allergy and not just the Pink Eye.
What we will be talking about for the rest of the article is Bacterial Conjunctivitis. It is the one that can be cured with Antibiotic Eye Drops, but even that takes 3-5 days to complete its work. Many people want an answer much quicker and often turn to home remedies for Pink Eye.
Home Remedies for Pink Eye: Probiotics
The infection of your conjunctiva is caused by bacteria; “bad” bacteria. What Probiotics does is increase the number of “good” bacteria in the infected area, thus killing the bacteria that shouldn’t be there. Some of the more popular ones are:
- Colostrum (breast milk) – It is known that colostrum is full of nutritional goodness that babies need. Placing one or two drops in an infected eye can lead to extremely fast results. Advocates of breast feeding swear by this home remedies for Pink Eye.
- Kefir (Clear Liquid from Yogurt) – Bacteria play a key role in the making of yogurt, and it follows that a few drops of this substance a day in a Pink Eye, would help reduce and resolve Conjunctivitis.
Home Remedies for Pink Eye: Symptom Relief
The remaining items in this article will be used in a preventative or symptom-relief manner.
Symptom Relief
- Cold and/or Warm Compresses – Use whichever one feels the best to you. Just remember to use a different compress for each eye to prevent spread. Also wipe inner to outer eye, and use warmth with caution as it can lead to spread of the bacteria.
- No Contacts – Contacts will become infected if worn during the outbreak. Wait until your other home remedies for Pink Eye have worked to put your contacts back in. Your physician should be able to advise you on the appropriate time.
- Honey and Milk Mixture – Mixed in equal parts, this concoction is said to relieve the swelling and pain that accompanies Conjunctivitis.
Herbal Symptom Relief
Make sure you find the correct mixture for each ingredient before you apply or ingest any herbal supplement.
- Coriander – Mixed properly will also relieve swelling and pain.
- Fennel Seed – Relieves burning and itching.
- Apple Cider Vinegar with “Mother” – Malic Acid is the active ingredient in this home remedies for Pink Eye and it not only relieves symptoms, but actively fights bacterial infection.
- Cod Liver Oil – Promotes the growth of Vitamin A that aids in immune boosting.
- Good Hygiene
- Wash Hands Often
What Are Some of the Home Remedies for Pink Eye?
In this article we have touched on just a few home remedies for Pink Eye that you could use. As stated earlier, contact your physician to see which might be right for you. Once you have the proper information and medical advice, choose the best home remedies for Pink Eye for you.
Which is a home remedies for Pink Eye?
a. Steel Wool
b. Washing out your eyes with Soda
c. Wishing upon a star
d. Colostrum
True or False: Conjunctivitis will always go away by itself.
a. True
b. False
What do you call “good” bacteria?
a. Son
b. Probiotics
c. Virusotics
d. Nice Germs
Answers at the bottom of the page!
How To Cure Pink Eye Fast
Tired of waiting for that pesky little condition known as Pink eye to go away? For many people, this is not just “pesky” it’s downright menacing. There are several types of Pink Eye; some are borderline chronic, and Neil Eros has come up with an answer for all of them. Imagine you:
• NOT Scratching
• NOT hurting
With How To Cure Pink Eye Fast you can have that relief in as little as 72 hours. What Eros has put together is a comprehensive attack on Pink Eye of all types, starting with symptom relief in just a few hours.
You can’t go wrong with things like:
• Rapid Symptom Relief
• Treatment for All 5 Types of Pink Eye
• Dietary Tips for Boosting Your Immune System
• A 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Included with your Informative and Useful 39 page eBook, How To Cure Pink Eye Fast, are three bonus gifts that compliment your Pink Eye treatment book:
• Fifty Two Sunday Dinners (recipe book)
• Boost Your Self Esteem
• Positive Thinking-The Key To Success
I recommend Eros’ book to anyone who has suffered from the irritation known as Pink Eye. Within minutes you could be learning about the cure that can start working its magic on your suffering within hours.
Answers 1) d, 2) b, 3) b
September 7, 2017 at 12:33 pm
Pink eye is a common eye condition caused by an infection. I was suffering from pink eye for a long time and warm compress helped me to getting rid of my problem. Thanks for sharing informative article.
March 19, 2013 at 2:42 pm
My Mother swore by tea bags on the eyes when we had pink eye as children. I think the tannins were supposed to be antibacterial and the warm wet just soothed the irritation. My sister’s son gets pink eye a lot and she always reaches for the antibiotics right away.
March 16, 2013 at 11:45 pm
Apple cider vinegar? Really? This may seem like a silly question, but do you drink it or put it in your eyes?