“Cherlene, what’s wrong with your eye?”
“Ohhhh, Girl I woke up like this. I had that yellow gunk all crusty in my eye.”
“Well, it’s gross. Don’t come near me.”
“It is disgusting. Hey . . . take a picture and let’s put it on the Tweeter.”
“Cherlene, you gonna be one of those Pink Eye Pictures.”
“I know, I’ll be famous!”
Have you ever seen one of those Pink Eye Pictures? I’m talking crusted and yellow, with puss running out the side. If you have then you know how serious it can get. As you’ll see from this article there are varying degrees of Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye.)
Pink Eye Pictures: What is Pink Eye?
Pink Eye is the infection and irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes. The conjunctiva is the lining of the inner eyelid and the eyeball. It is a thin membrane that protects and traps dirt and bacteria. If you get too much bacteria, or a certain type of bacteria, an infection ensues. It can be as minor as slight redness, but there are more, increasingly serious symptoms.
- Redness
- Excessive Itching
- Eye pain
- Excessive Tearing
- Blurred Vision
- Gritty/Irritated Feel in the Eyes
- Sensitivity to Light
- Possible Crusting Over During Sleep
In looking at Pink Eye Pictures you can see these symptoms occur in varying combinations and degrees. It rarely does, but can progress into a serious condition.
Pink Eye Pictures: Diagnosis
Conjunctivitis is often diagnosed and you really can’t tell if you have it simply by looking at your, or your loved one’s eyes and comparing it to Pink Eye Pictures. It is often misdiagnosed, especially when it comes to self-diagnosis. There are really only two ways to diagnose Pink Eye and a trained medical worker needs to do them both:
- Visual examination of the eyes
- Lab Test (swab of the eye)
There are three basic types of Pink Eye, and I’m gonna say it again, you can’t tell which is which by looking at Pink Eye Pictures on the Internet. If you’ve come to this site you are likely experiencing Conjunctivitis in some form. You won’t be able to look at the pictures from this article and determine which type you have.
- Bacterial Conjunctivitis
- Viral Conjunctivitis
- Allergic Conjunctivitis
It’s actually really important which type you have, because the treatment options for each type are very different.
Pink Eye Pictures: Causes
So what causes you to get all those horribly, bothersome symptoms that come with Pink Eye? Within the 3 types of Conjunctivitis there are several things that can cause them. Some, like Allergic Conjunctivitis are specific causes, others can vary.
- Allergens (the thing you are allergic to
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Certain Illnesses
- Fungus
- Rarely, Parasites
- Chemical Exposure
- Chlamydia
- Contact Lenses (prolonged or misuse)
Pink Eye Pictures won’t tell you this either. You’re going to have to go to the doctor to find the type and cause of your condition. This will determine the type of treatment you need (discussed in other articles in this series).
Most folks experience with Pink Eye comes from their children being exposed to it at school. You may have gotten one of those letters from your child’s school with instructions on what to do if your child has Conjunctivitis, or how to reduce the chances that they will get it.
- Contact with other people who have Pink Eye is the main cause of the condition.
People are the biggest cause of this illness. It is spread predominantly through contact, and what better place than a classroom full of young children who have trouble not scratching and then playing “tag”. As a former elementary teacher, believe me this can produce an abundance of Pink Eye Pictures.
Pink Eye Pictures: Prevention
The best treatment for Conjunctivitis is not a treatment at all, but preemptive measures. Through a few simple precautions you can stop Pink Eye before it ever gets started.
- Wash your hands!
- Wash your hands!
- Wash your hands!
Getting the message? The first line defense against Pink Eye Pictures is to keep your hands clean. Other things you can do:
- Do not share eye care items
- Don’t share towels
- Change your pillowcases regularly
- Keep your clean hands away from your eyes
- Replace contact lenses properly
- Good hygiene
- WASH YOUR HANDS! (soap and water)
Wrap Up
Cherlene may like Pink Eye Pictures, but she’s weird. If she really experienced the symptoms associated with Conjunctivitis she wouldn’t be so gung ho to take pictures of it. Whatever the cause of your Pink Eye, be it viral, bacterial, or allergic, the best way to fix it is to not get it. Wash your hands, and if you do get it, go see your doctor. They can prescribe the best treatment. And yes, if it’s gross, in honor of Girl and Cherlene, take Pink Eye Pictures and, “Put them on the Tweeter!”
Who can diagnose Pink Eye?
a. Your mom
b. The school nurse
c. Your doctor
d. Cherlene and Girl
True or False: The conjunctiva is your eyeball.
a. True
b. False
Which is NOT a cause of Pink Eye?
a. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
b. Allergens
c. Virus
d. Bacteria
Answers at the bottom of the page!
How To Cure Pink Eye Fast
Tired of waiting for that pesky little condition known as Pink eye to go away? For many people, this is not just “pesky” it’s downright menacing. There are several types of Pink Eye; some are borderline chronic, and Neil Eros has come up with an answer for all of them. Imagine you:
• NOT Scratching
• NOT hurting
With How To Cure Pink Eye Fast you can have that relief in as little as 72 hours. What Eros has put together is a comprehensive attack on Pink Eye of all types, starting with symptom relief in just a few hours.
You can’t go wrong with things like:
• Rapid Symptom Relief
• Treatment for All 5 Types of Pink Eye
• Dietary Tips for Boosting Your Immune System
• A 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Included with your Informative and Useful 39 page eBook, How To Cure Pink Eye Fast, are three bonus gifts that compliment your Pink Eye treatment book:
• Fifty Two Sunday Dinners (recipe book)
• Boost Your Self Esteem
• Positive Thinking-The Key To Success
I recommend Eros’ book to anyone who has suffered from the irritation known as Pink Eye. Within minutes you could be learning about the cure that can start working its magic on your suffering within hours.
Answers 1) c, 2) b, 3) a
March 20, 2013 at 7:04 pm
Wearing contacts does not cause Pink Eye, but will contribute to the severity and continuation if you don’t take care to clean them effectively. Excellent question Emily.
March 19, 2013 at 2:45 pm
These are rather disgusting. I guess it’s the same with all infections: redness and pus? mucus buildup. Still, you’d think people would wipe away the crust with a warm washcloth or something, especially with that poor kid at the top.
March 20, 2013 at 4:29 pm
Yeah Ewt75, you’d think that people would take care of such things before they get to such a state. That’s a good argument for prevention of these conditions. Thanks for the input.
March 16, 2013 at 11:41 pm
That yellow gunk looks real familiar. Does wearing contacts cause pinkeye?