Are you suffering terribly from male yeast infection symptoms? Are you tired of the itching and burning? Do you need relief? In previous articles of this series we have touched the surface of yeast infection symptoms, but in this article we will delve deeper.
What Causes Male Yeast Infection Symptoms?
As stated in previous articles in this series the cause of Male Yeast Infections is the fungus Candida albicans. You already have this germ on and in your body, but it flourishes in certain situations.
1. Contact (with someone who already has an active yeast infection)
2. Supressed Immnue System
3. Certain Diseases (Diabetes, HIV, others that attack the Immune System)
4. Diet (bad eating habits)
- High Sugar Intake
- Too much Dairy
- Too many grains (high yeast intake)
- High fat content
5. Recreational drug use

The common factor in these causes is the suppressed immune response. Whether long term or short term, these factors can all contribute to male yeast infection symptoms.
The Male Yeast Infection Symptoms
As varied as the root causes of male yeast infection symptoms are, the symptoms themselves are just as numerous, more even. These symptoms will fall into 2 categories:
- Chronic (long term causes)
- Acute (short term causes)
If we look at each group separately it may help to explain the difference between the two.
1. Chronic Male Yeast Infection Symptoms
- Symptoms that occur over the long term
- Not observable directly due to Male Yeast Infection (seen with many other conditions)
- Bad breath
- Constipation or Diarrhea
- Bloating and Gas
- Indigestion
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Prostate troubles
- Can even have the infection without any symptoms at all
These are symptoms that can be attributed to many other illnesses. It’s not until we see the more direct results of the infection that we start to suspect the list above as being caused by C. albicans.
2. Acute Male Yeast Infection Symptoms
- More noticeable, immediate symptoms
Yeast Infection Discharge
- Jock Itch
- Athlete’s Foot
- Inflamed or swollen penis tip
- Ulcerations (red, raw spots)
- Flaky skin
- Burning and Pain
- Itching
- Painful Urination or Sex
- Penile Discharge
These are the symptoms that are more noticeable and much more likely to get you to seek treatment. The conditions listed in the Acute Symptoms list are mostly associated with Genital Yeast Infection. There a few other Acute Male Yeast Infection Symptoms which are associated with Oral Yeast Infections (Thrush).
- Raised white or yellowish spots on the tongue or mucus membranes
- Thick white coating over the tongue
- Difficulty swallowing
- Diminished sense of taste
Those are some extensive lists, and I would imagine they aren’t even exhaustive. If you suspect that you are suffering from a Male Yeast Infection it might be a good idea to head to the doctor, as they are the only “for sure” diagnosis you can get.
Male Yeast Infection Symptoms: Diagnosis
Some studies suggest that as many as 1 out of every 3 people with “yeast” infection symptoms diagnose themselves incorrectly. This is usually not a serious issue, but occasionally a medical condition that gets treated wrongly can end up making your health worse. A yeast infection is hard to diagnose for sure and, as stated above, the only way to do it is through your doctor. They will conduct several tests, including:
- Physical Exam
- Microscopy (microscope slide of infection)
- Culture (grow a sample of the infection in Agar)
Only after getting the results of these tests will a physician be able to render a diagnosis of Yeast Infection. But, once confirmed what should you do?
What can you do to Eliminate Male Yeast Infection Symptoms?
There is a variety of treatment options when it comes to ridding yourself of the male yeast infection symptoms. They range from preventative to curative.
- Keep your sugar intake low as yeast feeds on sugar (helps with Diabetics)
- Reduce fat in your diet
- Stay away from grains that have yeast in them
- Drink lots of non-chlorinated water
- Antifungal meds are what is used to treat yeast infections
- The difference in the medication is mostly prescription strength vs. OTC strength
- Clotrimazole and Miconazole are the most common antifungals
- Antibiotics are occasionally used
- On rare occasions when the infection enters the blood powerful IV Antifungals will be used
Home Remedies
- Probiotics
- Diet
- Grapefruit Seed Extract
- Compresses soaked in buttermilk or yogurt (promotes growth of good bacteria)
- Regulation and abstinence from sex while you or your partner have an infection
These are the most commonly used treatments for Male Yeast Infection Symptoms. They are not the only ones, but the antifungals are especially effective.
What are the Male Yeast Infection Symptoms?
As you can see the amounts and types of male yeast infection symptoms is numerous. Talk with your physician about your particular symptoms and discuss the best treatment options for you. Armed with information and advice you should be able to successfully eliminate your male yeast infection symptoms.
Which is NOT a Home Remedy for Yeast Infection?
a. Probiotics
b. Grapefruit Seed Extract
c. Immodium
d. Diet
True or False: Thrush is a “cause” of male yeast infection.
a. False
b. True
Which is a Chronic Symptom of a yeast infection?
a. Discharge
b. Burning during urination
c. Prostate Trouble
d. Itching
Answers at the bottom of the page!
Yeast Infection No More
Do you suffer from Yeast Infections? Have you had chronic occurrences of this irritating, sometimes dangerous condition? If so, then you need to check out the Yeast Infections No More eBook by Linda Allen. Allen is a 15 year:
• Medical Researcher
• Nutritionist
• Former sufferer of Yeast Infections
With her new “all natural”, holistic 5 step system she has made it possible to get immediate relief from all outward Yeast Infection symptoms within 12 hours. But her remedy goes beyond the basic symptoms. Used as directed, Allen’s system can get rid of all Yeast Infection within about 2 months.
That means no more:
• Redness
• Swelling
• Rashes
• Itching
• Scratching
• Swelling
• Discharge
• Odor
If you suffer from Yeast Infections, Yeast Infections No More can help you achieve the relief you so desperately need.
It’s not just for women either. Allen’s system can work for men and women, both young and old. It can be the key to a life free from the irritating and potentially harmful effects of Candida albicans (yeast infection fungus,) for anyone. With a 100% Money Back Guarantee for 60 days, why hesitate. Try out this revolutionary cure and live Yeast free!
Yeastrol Natural Homeopathic Relief from Yeast Infections
Are you tired of all those 3 to 27 step “methods“ to follow in order to get relief from a Yeast Infection? Would you like to be able to rely on something much less involved? If that’s you, then try Yeastrol Natural Homeopathic Relief from Yeast Infections. With Yeastrol you can have the relief you seek from:
• Itching and Scratching
• Redness and Swelling
• Embarrassing Discharge and Odor
• Painful Sex
It’s time to get rid of these irritating and potentially serious symptoms.
Yeastrol is a spray. Doesn’t that sound simple? That’s all it takes to get relief from a Yeast Infection, and with just 2 sprays at a time, 3 times day, you can experience fast, effective relief from the conditions that are making you miserable.
This safe, homeopathic treatment reduces and eliminates symptoms in both men and women of all ages. Those who have tried Yeastrol, and use it consistently like instructed, have come to swear by it. They notice:
• Some quick relief of symptoms (within 12 hours)
• An end to recurring infections (by 3 months)
• Complete cessation of all Yeast Infection activity (by 6 months)
If there is a drawback to Yeastrol, it’s that you have to use it for 6 months on a daily basis, but what’s that compared to the relief you get when that Yeast Infection problem you were having is completely gone?
Answers 1) c, 2) a, 3) c
March 23, 2013 at 3:33 pm
I’ve suffered on an off with athlete’s foot for a while now and never knew it could come from yeast infections. I think I might try eating some yogurt regularly to help combat it. I like yogurt anyway, so it can’t hurt.
April 5, 2013 at 3:47 pm
Ewt75, you are very right about Yogurt not hurting. If you can tolerate the dairy, it is one of most healthy things you can eat. Thanks for sharing.