“Cherlene, what is all that red stuff on your fingers?”
“Ohh Girl, I’ve had sinus pressure in my head for two days, and I heard that something spicy would take care of it, so I bought some Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.”
“How much did you eat? Has it worked?”
“Well, I ate one bag, but I can’t eat no more, my mouth’s on fire!”
Have you ever felt like your head was so full that it was going to explode? Many people suffer from the discomfort caused by nasal congestion and the sinus pressure that can be the result. What causes it and what can you do about it?
What Causes Sinus Pressure?
Sinus pressure is a result of nasal congestion which is the blockage of the nasal passages due to swelling of the nasal and sinus membranes. There are many things that can bring these conditions about:
- Cold and Flu
- Allergies
- Viruses
- Deviated Septum
- Nasal Polyps
- Infection
- Unspecified Causes
You can sometimes determine the cause of the sinus pressure based on the color of the mucus discharge (snot).
- Clear – Cold or Influenza
- White or Cloudy – Viral
- Green or Yellow – Infection
This will help a doctor determine the type of treatment needed to effectively relieve your condition.
What are the Symptoms of Sinus Pressure?
It’s easy to see why you have the symptoms you have with nasal congestion, when you look at its definition. Nasal congestion is the blockage of the nasal passages due to swelling of the nasal and sinus membranes. Many people think it’s just too much mucus (snot) production, but it’s the inflammation that creates the mucus effect.
- Runny Nose
- Coughing
- Pressure in your Head and Face
- Pain in your Head and Face
- Snoring
- Burning in the Nasal Canals
- Blurry Vision
- Headaches
- Lack of Sleep
Not everyone gets every symptom, but for some the discomfort caused by sinus pressure can be quite severe, and the treatment can’t come fast enough.
How Can I Treat Nasal Pressure?
There are many ways to relieve sinus pressure. Choosing which one is right for you is something that you will have to consult with your physician on. Also you might need to use a combination of treatments to effectively relieve your symptoms.
- Sinus Wash with Saline (Neti Pot, syringe, nasal irrigator)
- Humidifier
- Steam (hot shower or steam pot)
- Drink Lots of Fluids (thins out the mucus)
- Warm Compress
- Sleep Sitting Up
At some point your sinus pressure may increase to the level where you need medication. As always consult with you doctor before beginning any new medication. There are two major types of medication used to treat Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinus cavities.) There are a multitude of brands within each group.
- Used for runny noses
- Dry congestion
- Slow drips
- Allergies
Some of the more popular antihistamines are
- Benadryl
- Claritin
- Zyrtec
- Allegra
2. Decongestants
- May be better for sinus pressure than antihistamines
- For stuffy noses
- Breaks up congestion
Some of the more popular decongestants are:
- Sudafed
- Sudafed PE
There are more powerful medications available, but not without a prescription. If you try some of the home remedies to get relief from sinus pressure and they persist, see your doctor.
Neo-natal Nasal Congestion
As special note here about new born babies and sinus infections. All babies breathe through their nose. When they breast feed, their mouth is occupied with feeding and they rely on their nose to breathe. If they have nasal congestion and sinus pressure, then they effectively have no way to breathe. This can become a serious situation, and if you have a new born baby that shows signs of nasal congestion see your pediatrician immediately.
When should Sinus Pressure send You to the Doctor?
There are times when you or your children may need to see a doctor to clear up a sinus infection.
- If you have symptoms for more than 10 days
- If you have a high fever with your symptoms for more than 3 days
- If you have green snot with pain, fever, or blood
Usually nasal and sinus congestion is not a big problem. You experience symptoms and feel bad for several days, but then it goes away. If it doesn’t go away or is accompanied with some of the conditions above, it may be an indication of bigger problems.
What Can You Do About Sinus Pressure?
There are several things you can do about sinus pressure, including eating Flamin’ Hot Cheetos (it works, try it.) Whether a home remedy or medication, you can be free of the sometimes painful symptoms associated with nasal congestion. So don’t suffer needlessly from sinus pressure, start treating it today.
Which is not a cause of Sinus Congestion?
a. Allergies
b. Infection
d. Viruses
e. Flamin’ Hot Cheetohs
True or False: Sudafed is an Antihistamine.
a. True
b. False
What is Sinusitis?
a. An indication you saw them
b. A sinus cavity operation
c. Inflammation of the sinus cavity
d. Inflammation of the ear canal
Answers at the bottom of the page!
Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit Soothing Sinus Wash
If you’ve ever had a stuffy or runny nose that made you miserable, I have a product you need to check out. The Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit is an all-natural sinus irrigation system. Regardless of whether your nose is stopped up or running like a river, this product will give you fast relief from your Nasal Congestion.
How does it Work?
With The Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit you can flush out your sinus cavities and experience relief from the:
• Pressure in your face and head
• Pain in your face and head
• Moisten your dry throat
• Moisten your dry nasal passages
If you’ve ever dealt with Nasal Congestion then you know how valuable, relief from these symptoms can be. What wouldn’t you pay for relief? With this product you’re going to find out that you won’t have to “pay through the nose;” I know, I couldn’t resist. But seriously, you will be recommending this product to others once you see how:
• Cost effective it is
• Effectively it relieves your symptoms
• Easy to use it is
• Pain free it is to use
What does it Actually Do?
The Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit is a simple point and shoot procedure that comes with complete instructions. It helps relieve sinus symptoms by flushing out the various contaminants that can get lodged in your sinuses.
• Bacteria
• Dirt
• Mucus
• Other Waste Products
So if you suffer from Sinus and Nasal Congestion, the fact that you need to use this product should be as clean as the nose on your face! Hah, I did it again, I kill me.
SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Sinus Irrigation System
If you suffer from moderate to severe Nasal Congestion and Sinus Troubles, then you know how important it would be to find a product that is:
• Portable
• Reusable
• Cost Effective
• A Consistent Provider of Symptom Relief
That would be a coveted product indeed. Well, with the SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Sinus Irrigation System you have just such a product.
What Does it Do?
The SinuPulse Elite uses two different actions to:
• Clean the Sinus Cavities
• Moisturize the Nose, Sinus, and Throat
With either a Gentle Mist or a Pulsing Spray you can relieve the many symptoms that cause you unease and discomfort.
• Runny Nose
• Stuffy Nose
• Pain in your head and face
• Pressure in your head and face
• Dry irritated nasal and sinus cavities
With the patented IntelliPulse and IntelliMist Technology, this affordable and affective device is a necessity for anyone who suffers from chronic Nasal Congestion. Used daily it can help maintain healthy Sinuses, which increases the quality of life dramatically.
So if you need Nasal or Sinus relief, check out the SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Sinus Irrigation System.
Answers: 1) d, 2) b, 3) c
March 14, 2013 at 8:54 pm
Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra are the best medicines which can help reduce the sinus pressure. A doctor must be consulted in extreme cases.
March 20, 2013 at 4:04 pm
Most people will have to try the different medications to relieve sinus pressure, and see which works best for them. Thanks for sharing Snape.
March 4, 2013 at 4:06 pm
I’m very glad Cheetos don’t cause nasal congestion, but am sorry they don’t help either. I like them! lol I struggle with painful sinus pressure every summer when my allergies hit. I use a combination of Vitamin C and over-the-counter nasal decongestants.
March 19, 2013 at 6:52 pm
OK Cmarten, you caught me! I just love Flamin’ Hot Cheetohs and will use any excuse to eat them. On the other hand, sinus pain is a serious issue, and I appreciate your sharing the things that you have found success with. It may well help someone else. Thanks again.