Have you tried every weight loss method known to man? Are you sick and tired of the “success/failure” routine of fad diets? It may be time for you to consider a more permanent, albeit drastic option. For some it’s “drastic time”. You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you can’t take one more minute of:
- Sorrow
- Embarrassment
- Rejection
- Hopelessness
If this is you, then it’s time to learn about Gastric Sleeve Surgery.
What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric Sleeve Surgery is one of the 4 main types of Bariatric (weight loss) Surgery. It is, simply put, where a surgeon will remove about 85% of your stomach along the curve, and close it back up with staples and sutures. Once this is done the stomach is disconnected from the duodenum (upper 10 inches of the small intestines) and attached to the distal (lower) end of the small intestines.
If it sounds complicated it is, or can be, depending on the surgeon. It’s important to feel comfortable with your choice of doctors, so be sure to ask:
- Am I a good candidate?
- Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery the best Bariatric Surgery for me?
- What kind of Psychological Evaluation will I need to take?
- What kind of diet changes will I need to make?
- What kind of lifestyle changes can I expect?
- What complications can there be, and what are the chances of them happening?
Surgery is stressful enough without having little confidence in your doctor. Ask questions until you are satisfied, or look for another doctor; and keep looking until you are satisfied.
What are the Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
There are benefits from any Bariatric Surgery, and Gastric Sleeve Surgery in particular. Although health is the major benefit of weight loss surgery, it is not the main reason people have it. People want to feel better about themselves.
- The way they look
- The way others see them
- Heightened self-esteem
- Enhanced social life
All are major reasons for having Gastric Sleeve Surgery.
In addition to the psychological perks, the health benefits are another great reason to have this procedure.
- Reduced Body Fat
- Blood Pressure Regulation
- Reversal of Type II Diabetes
- Relief of Acid Reflux (Heartburn)
- Alleviates Blood Clot Worries
- Lower Back and Joint Pain relief
- More Energy
With both Psychological and Health improvements, it’s no wonder that Gastric Sleeve Surgery is one of the fastest growing surgeries out there. If you are indeed a candidate, and it’s economically feasible it is an excellent option for weight loss.
What are the Concerns of Having Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

As with any surgery there are risks involved. From an upset stomach to death, the complications can be numerous and varied. The question a perspective patient has to ask is, “Are the risks minimal enough (and they are minimal) to make it worth the risk?”
- Incision Infection
- Blood Clotting in Leg or Pelvis
- Hemorrhaging (internal bleeding)
- Hernia (bulging of internal membrane with blood or tissue)
- Anastomotic concerns (Leakage, Stricture, Ulceration at internal sutures or stitches)
- Dumping Syndrome (panic caused by the body’s reaction to too much sugar)
- Post-Operative Depression
These are a few of the more common and serious complications associated with Gastric Sleeve Surgery.
Another concern is the cost of the procedure. It can be considerable; costing between $17,000 – $35,000 depending on the extent and additional procedures, such as tummy tucks. The cost of any gastric surgery generally consists of the:
- Pre-op labs and Meds
- Hospital Facility
- X-ray Fees
- Surgeon’s Fee
- Anesthesia
As you can see this is not a cheap endeavor. For that much money, you’re going to need to make sure that you are in this for the long haul.
Are There Alternatives to Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
If Gastric Surgery is not an option for you, there are other ways to lose weight. Some of the alternatives are tried and true, some difficult, and some are much more alternative.
- Diet and Exercise
- Other Gastric Procedures (ballooning)
- Herbal Supplements
- Diet Pills (prescription and non-prescription)
- Psychotherapy (hypnosis)
- Behavior Modification
When considering these or any other medical regiment, it’s important to do two things; do your homework and consult your physician. Taking some of these pills and supplements can be effective if you follow the directions carefully, otherwise you can end up doing more harm than good.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
In seeking out drastic weight loss, many people try crazy diets and procedures out of desperation. With Gastric Sleeve Surgery you are trying a proven, albeit very involved, method. It is just one of many proven methods to lose weight, however, it is one of the fastest, most verifiable methods to lose the pounds and become the new you, you’ve always wanted. Check out Gastric Sleeve Surgery and see if it’s right for you.
True or False: Gastric Sleeve Surgery is cheap.
a. True
b. False
Which is NOT a medical benefit of Bariatric Surgery?
a. Reduced Body Fat
b. Blood Pressure Regulation
c. Elevated Neatitis
d. Reversal of Type II Diabetes
Which of the following is an alternative to Weight Loss Surgery?
a. Herbal and Medicinal Supplements
b. Rubbing the Genie’s Lamp
c. Watching Dr. Phil
d. Praying to Oprah
Answers at the bottom of the page!
Natural Hypnosis: Gastric Band Hypnosis
Brennan Smith is a Master Hypnotist who has put his talents to good use in a most beneficial way. Smith has created a Gastric Bypass Surgery without the:
• Costs
• Worry
He’s done this by creating the “experience” of a Gastric Bypass Surgery that he can transfer to your mind; a Virtual Gastric Bypass through hypnosis. Through a series of High Quality audio recordings your mind will be fooled into Pre, During, and Post-Operative experiences.
Sound Quality
Recorded in 3D sound with a specially designed microphone, you will be immersed in the surgery from start to finish. It does require headphones to get the impression of the surgical sounds surrounding you, as Smith takes you through the entire procedure form start to finish.
The Process
With 7 audio sessions, it’s important to listen to them in order. The first 2 will need to be listened to several times before the actual surgery session. Likewise sessions 4-7 can be repeated to fortify your resolve and course of action.
Why Use This System?
• Safety
• Price
Are these two things important to you? Gastric Bypass Surgery comes in at an average of $22,000. Natural Hypnosis: Gastric Band Hypnosis is a must have for those who are both serious and desperate to lose weight, but don’t want to face the risk and cost of surgery.
This is the ultimate surgical substitute for losing weight.
Weight Loss Surgery for DUMMIES
Written by an MD, a previous Bariatric Surgery patient, and a renowned Weight Loss Expert, Weight Loss Surgery for DUMMIES is an exceptional help guide for anyone exploring the possibility of Weight Loss Surgery.
• Barbara Thompson (former Gastric Bypass patient)
• Brian K. Davidson (weight loss expert and advocate)
What the authors have done is address every aspect of the Weight Loss Surgery Experience; from the very moment the thought of surgery enters your mind, till you have journeyed to the point of significant weight loss. Kurian, Thompson, and Davidson take the potential surgery candidate through such important aspects as:
• Am I a Good Candidate?
• Why Do I Want/Need to Lose Weight?
• Have I Tried Other Weight Loss Methods?
• What are the Various Surgical Methods, and Which is Right for Me?
• What to Expect Before, During, and After ?
You can see how invaluable such a book like this could be. If you are considering Weight Loss Surgery in the slightest, read this book. Many people don’t do this procedure because they are afraid; they don’t know what to expect. Well, knowledge kills fear, and this book is a Weight Loss Fear killer.
Answers: 1) b, 2) c, 3) a
April 4, 2013 at 12:47 pm
I don’t know. I think this looks less extreme than the type of surgery where they cut your whole stomach off and just leave a tiny bit sewn back onto the intestines. I guess it’s all extreme when it comes down to it.
March 23, 2013 at 8:10 pm
I’m doing lots of research on gastric bypass and bariatric surgery. It’s a big decision to make, and it’s really rather scary. This looks like they take off a big chunk of your stomach. Lots of wound to get infected or something.
March 20, 2013 at 7:24 pm
Astute observation Cmarten. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is irreversible. It’s a lifetime commitment, and many doctors are reluctant to do this surgery on patients who have not gone through psychological or behavior modification screening. Thanks for the comments.
March 19, 2013 at 1:18 pm
This sounds and looks like, perhaps, a more extreme type of gastric bypass. More wound area it seems. It is interesting to learn about these operations people have to lose weight. I know two people who have had gastric bypass, though I’m not sure what type.