How did your symptoms of yeast infection start? Was it a rash? Did you notice the itching first? How long did it take till it became distracting? If you suffer from a Yeast Infection then you know the irritation and indeed, embarrassment it can cause. In this article we will look at the symptoms associated with such an infection as well as the causes and treatments.
Symptoms of Yeast Infection: What is a Yeast Infection?
A yeast infection is basically an overgrowth of Candida albicans, the fungus that causes most yeast infections in humans. The body has a natural balance of “germs” that are constantly warring on and in the body. Good germs battle and usually defeat “bad” germs.
- Encountering a person who already has an active yeast infection
- Suppressed Immune System
- Certain Diseases (Diabetes, HIV)
These are the conditions that inhibit the growth of good germs, and encourage the growth of bad germs. In the situations where C. albicans is that bad germ, a person will get a yeast infection.
Where Are You Likely to Get Symptoms of Yeast Infection?
Symptoms of yeast infection show up in particular areas of the body.
- Genitals
- Skin
- Mouth
- Throat
- Blood
These 5 areas are where an infection is most likely to show up. It can be elsewhere, but usually appears in these locations due to the fact that C. albicans likes its home:
- Warm
- Dark
- Moist
These areas of the human body are perfect for the conditions needed by an infection, to flourish. The first symptoms of yeast infection are likely to start here.
Many people try to self-diagnose a yeast infection, but that can be a mistake. One, you can use the wrong treatment, causing the condition to persist, and two it can be increasingly harmful to use that wrong treatment in certain situations. If you think you might have a yeast infection, see a doctor and let her diagnose your condition. That way you can get the right treatment.
Symptoms of Yeast Infection: What Does the Doctor do to Diagnose?
There are several things a doctor can do to see if you have the symptoms of yeast infection.
- Visual and Physical Examination
- Microscopic Examination for Fungal Cells
- Culture Study (can help determine specific type of infection)
Once he has looked at all the results of your testing, he will make the diagnosis and prescribe the proper treatment. According to studies, it is believed that about 35% of people who try to self-diagnose, actually misdiagnose their condition.
What are the Symptoms of Yeast Infection?
There are a plethora of symptoms one can notice with their yeast infection. Each person will present in various ways, but there are some common factors which let you know you might be getting a yeast infection:
- Redness
- Itching and Scratching
- Swelling/Inflammation
- Burning, Discomfort, and Pain
- Discharge of Various Kinds
- Spots, Patches, or Sores
People experience different symptoms based on which part of the body is affected, and whether it is a male or female yeast infection. They do all have the constant irritation and itching that go with such an infection.
Treating the Symptoms of Yeast Infection
The basic treatment of a yeast infection is anti-fungal medication. There are several different types:
- Over the Counter (mostly creams or sprays)
- Oral or Topical Prescription Medication
- IV Anti-fungal Medicines (used with more severe cases)
- Home Remedy for Yeast Infection
There can be a one-time dose of Fluconazole (or the like) for first time outbreaks of a yeast infection. Your doctor will discuss the options with you, and together you can decide on the best course of action.
The most important thing about yeast infection treatment is to take your medicine as directed. Often for a more serious case of fungus, one where over the counter medicines won’t do the trick; it will require a longer, steadier application of remedy. Some courses of yeast infection treatment have to be taken 10 to 14 days, plus once a week for the next 6 months. If you let up, the fungus will likely return.
Symptoms of Yeast Infection
The thing to know about the symptoms of yeast infection is that they can be varied. There’s no one set of indications for every sufferer. If you notice any of the conditions described in this series get checked out by your doctor for a proper diagnosis. In this day and age of modern medicine, there’s no reason to suffer from the symptoms of yeast infection.
Which type of fungus is seen most with Yeast Infections?
a. Candida tyranus
b. Candida flatulus
c. Casino royale
d. Candida albicans
True or False: A yeast infection is never serious.
a. True
b. False
Which IS a possible symptom of a yeast infection?
a. Discharge
b. High Blood Pressure
c. Measles
d. Intermittent Stupidity
Answers at the bottom of the page!
The 3 Step Natural System to Stop Your Yeast Infection FAST!
Are you experiencing vaginal:
If these symptoms are causing you stress, then you need a natural, effective cure for your Yeast Infection. With the 3 Step Natural System to Stop Your Yeast Infection FAST!, you can have the relief you are seeking.
What is it?
This all natural system for eliminating vulvovaginal yeast (Candida albicans):
- Restores your body’s natural balance
- Uses common everyday items to give you fast relief from your discomfort
- Will keep infection from returning (you’re cured!)
With this product the 75% of women who experience a Yeast Infection during their life can be assured they are not in the 45% of those women who have recurring infections. Imagine being done with this horrible inconvenience; never having to go through the irritation again.
- Get immediate relief of symptoms
- Get relief that lasts all day
- Gat an all-natural relief
3 Step Natural System to Stop Your Yeast Infection FAST! gives you the information you need to conquer this menace once and for all. It comes with 2 more Bonus Books about Yeast Infections, including information about some potentially harmful Over the Counter, Yeast Infection Medications. So act now, and get relief soon after. If you suffer from Vaginal Yeast Infections, occasionally or chronically, you can’t afford to NOT buy this book.
Yeast Infection No More
Do you suffer from Yeast Infections? Have you had chronic occurrences of this irritating, sometimes dangerous condition? If so, then you need to check out the Yeast Infections No More eBook by Linda Allen. Allen is a 15 year:
With her new “all natural”, holistic 5 step system she has made it possible to get immediate relief from all outward Yeast Infection symptoms within 12 hours. But her remedy goes beyond the basic symptoms. Used as directed, Allen’s system can get rid of all Yeast Infection within about 2 months.
That means no more:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Rashes
- Itching
- Scratching
- Swelling
- Discharge
- Odor
If you suffer from Yeast Infections, Yeast Infections No More can help you achieve the relief you so desperately need.
It’s not just for women either. Allen’s system can work for men and women, both young and old. It can be the key to a life free from the irritating and potentially harmful effects of Candida albicans (yeast infection fungus,) for anyone. With a 100% Money Back Guarantee for 60 days, why hesitate. Try out this revolutionary cure and live Yeast free!
Answerts 1) d, 2) b, 3) a
March 29, 2013 at 2:39 pm
Thanks for making this blog with all the important information about these really embarrassing and uncomfortable topics. People suffer with this stuff, and this sure helps get some relief.
April 5, 2013 at 3:27 pm
“People really suffer from this stuff.”
You’ve just summed up why we created this site Jeanine, people suffer in silence, and we want to help. Thanks
March 15, 2013 at 5:52 pm
Oh my. 45% have recurring yeast infections? That’s simply horrible. Having lived through a few in my life, I couldn’t imagine having it come back over and over. Women need to read this post.
March 20, 2013 at 3:10 pm
I can’t imagine Kimberly. Being a man, the closest equivalent for us is Jock Itch. I can’t imagine such an irritating situation internalized. Thanks for sharing.