She won’t stop crying! You’ve tried everything you know of to do. She’s been fed, changed, burped, rocked, sung to, rocked again, fed again, tieoasdn, qweu, asdfa, asda; after a while it all just seems to run together and make no sense. That’s when you notice it, the rash that wasn’t there yesterday. How could you have missed it?
The answer is, you didn’t miss it; it wasn’t there yesterday. Good parents often feel bad when they first notice the signs of Eczema in babies. A rash that continues to grow and just won’t go away. It’s more technical than that, but the effort it takes to control and eliminate it is:
- Exhausting
- Frustrating
- Demoralizing
Don’t beat yourself up. When babies contract Eczema it is both difficult and more common than you know. Take heart! There is hope!
Eczema in Babies: What causes it?
No one really knows. It is thought that Eczema is caused by a malfunction in the immune system that is triggered by certain factors.
- Heredity – This appears to be a major predictor of Eczema. If a parent has the condition, then it is much more likely that a child will get it. Eczema parents should keep a close eye out and use all precautionary measures.
- Creams, Lotions, Detergents, etc. – Eczema in babies does seem to be triggered at some point. Contact with a particularly abrasive or irritating substance can start the process.
- Stress – Babies with high levels of stress agitate more and can lead to onset.
- Heat and Sweat – Once again an uncomfortable situation seems to trigger Eczema in babies. All care should be taken to make sure they are in a clean, stress-free environment.
While it appears that some babies are likely, even certain to get Eczema (depending on your source, 10-30% of infants have it,) there are things you can do to prevent the likelihood of an outbreak. You’ve heard an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, well that may be true with Eczema in babies, but more so, after the fact.
Eczema in Babies: What to Do About It?
There are many things one can do to:
- Prevent
- Relieve Symptoms
- Treat
Eczema in babies, once it shows up. Many of the measures a parent can take involve the bathing and clothing of the infant.
- No more than a ten minute bath in warm bath (hot water can remove protective oils.)
- Use body soaps that are unscented and non-irritating. The fancy, “special” soaps can often lead to irritating Eczema in babies.
- Don’t use soap in any areas that aren’t dirty. Unless you’re rolling your baby in the mud, you only need to soap up the areas of obvious dirt. Simple warm water will suffice everywhere else.
- Don’t scrub on baby’s skin. Often “sticklers” for cleanliness want a smooth clean surface, but the rubbing may actually be excruciating for the baby and cause more itching. Use a patting motion during bathing and drying, and only take off obviously dead and sloughing skin.
- Ask your doctor about Oatmeal soaking products which can retard itching.
Post Bath
- Apply a doctor recommended moisturizer immediately after bathing your baby. This can seal in moisture vital to repairing Eczema in babies.
- Tight or ill-fitting clothing can be a major instigator of itching, which is the enemy when it comes to
Eczema in babies. Loose, well fitted clothing can go a long way to help you prevent persistent scratching.
- Wash all clothes, new and old, before putting them on baby.
- Remember hot and sweaty are bad. Now, you don’t want your little bundle to freeze, so you’ll have to experiment and find the right balance when it comes to, how much to bundle up your bundle; with both clothing and blankets at night.
What Can be Done for Eczema in Babies?
In this article we have discussed what you can do to help your baby during and after their bathing routine. There are other things that can be done for Eczema in babies, but most require medical supervision. That being said, the most important thing you can do to help your child is consult a physician as soon as you see signs, or even have questions about Eczema in babies.
OK, I know that had nothing to do with Eczema, but is that not priceless?!?!
Babies with Eczema need:
a. A good scrubbing
b. To be wrapped and hugged tightly to feel loved
c. Licked by the dog
d. Warm baths followed by moisturizer application
True or False: Heredity plays no part in Eczema in babies.
a. True
b. False
The proper bathing technique for an Eczema baby is:
a. Really hot water with special cleansing soaps
b. Really cold baths with unscented soap
c. Warm baths with unscented soaps
d. Really hot water with unscented soap
Answers at bottom of page!
Eczema Free Forever
With easy to follow instructions and special sections on everything from Younger Looking Skin to Children’s Eczema Cures, Eczema Free Forever will give you the a natural cure you’ve been looking for. Her formula works completely; and her formula works quickly. So, if fast effective relief is what you need, get a copy of Eczema Free Forever.
Do you worry about what you put on, or in your body these days? Do you suffer from Eczema? Well, if you answered yes to both those questions then Rachel Anderson has a program for you. She’s designed a cure for those who suffer from the symptoms of Eczema, and if you have it, you know what I mean when I use the word “suffer.” What wouldn’t you pay for relief from such misery; relief in record time? Check out Eczema Free Forever, and see. It even comes with Bonus Material including a diet book and a supplement guide.
Cure Child Eczema, Natural Methods that Work
Eczema is a persistent condition that often limits your activity and social interaction with others. It takes up your time, resources, and pride. In her book Cure Child Eczema, Audrey Lynn has come up with a fast acting, effective way to rid your child of this dreadful illness. Through “natural” methods and substances, Lynn has created a holistic, all-encompassing way to heal your child.
When I read this information, the first thing I thought was, no matter the cost, if it helps your kid, it’s worth it. And that rings true for every parent out there. Especially one who is having to watch helplessly as their child experiences discomfort on an epic scale. Give Cure Child Eczema a try, for your kid. The Bonus Material included in this deal is great; an Allergy Book and a Gluten Free Diet Plan.
Eczema Free, A Step By Step System to Eliminate Eczema Naturally
Eczema Free by Blake Helton is an exhaustive treatment for the elimination of Eczema and all its symptoms from your life. She addresses the problem from an internal perspective and provides natural, holistic steps to be free of the irritation, pain, and embarrassment of this debilitating illness.
How many times have you had the opportunity to truly fix a major problem in life with minimal effort and finances? Well, with Eczema Free you can do just that. In my opinion Helton has hit upon the mother lode of ideas about treating this disturbing condition. Naturally eliminating a condition that can’t be cured with lotions, creams, and steroids is a blessing. And with the Bonus Material of how to deal with the anxiety and scarring caused by Eczema, this deal can’t be passed up.
Answers: 1) d, 2) a, 3) c
March 16, 2013 at 3:53 pm
Eczema runs in my family. My mother would get it bad after just a little exposure to the sun. I get it in the crooks or my elbows and knees. And my little girl gets it on her hands although we think we know the cause of that – she gets it worse when she eats microwave popcorn from the bag. The oils and salt that touch the tops of her hands when she reaches into the bag cause itching which seems to bring on the eczema.
March 20, 2013 at 4:06 pm
That’s good information Stephanie. I’ll bet there are others who can test to see if they notice the same things you did about Microwave Popcorn. Thanks for sharing.