“Ohhh Girl, I got the winds somethin’ fierce! I think I got the Crow’s Disease.”
“Cherlene there’s no such thing as Crow’s Disease. What the Sam Hill are you talking about?”
“You know, that sickness where you poo all the time?”
“Do you mean IBS? We already checked on that.”.
“I don’t know Girl, what’s the difference?”
Well, unlike Cherlene, you know you have Crohn’s Disease and you need help with the treatment and management of the condition. What can you do? You’re taking all your medicines and trying to staying healthy, what else is there? It’s time to find out what is a good Crohn’s Disease Diet.
Crohn’s Disease Diet: What is Crohn’s Disease?
Like Colitis, Crohn’s Disease is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). What makes it different from Colitis is the fact that Crohn’s can affect any part of the Gastrointestinal Tract:
- Mouth
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Intestines
- Rectum
- Anus
It is not known exactly what causes the disease, but it is believed to be a combination of immunological and genetic factors. It is actually characterized as an immune system disease. It is genetically significant. You are 30 times more likely to have it if you have an immediate family member who already suffers from it. It is not yet curable, and treatment lies with:
- Management
- Prevention
That’s why a good Crohn’s Disease Diet is so important.
Crohn’s Disease Diet: What are the Symptoms?
There are a wide range of symptoms that can accompany Crohn’s Disease. Whatever specific symptoms you might have, almost all patients will experience some form of:
- Abdominal Pain
- Diarrhea (many times bloody)
Other symptoms and conditions that people with Crohn’s go through are:
- Vomiting
- Flatulence
- Bloating
- Perianal Disease (itching, pain, fissures, and fistulas)
- Ulcers (can occur all along the GT Tract)
- Various Others (may be particular to each individual)
A Crohn’s Disease Diet is so important because, the condition can affect all systems of the body, and manifest in so many ways. Once you learn what foods are triggers for you, it can help relieve so many symptoms.
Crohn’s Disease Diet: Do They Work?
There is no scientific evidence to prove that a good Crohn’s Disease Diet cures, or even prevents the disease. But ask anyone who has truly suffered from the disease, and they will tell you, “It makes a difference what you eat when you have Crohn’s.”
Food Diary
A “Food Diary or Journal” is going to be your best friend when it comes to treating your condition with a Crohn’s Disease Diet. It is going to point you in the right direction for symptom relief, and give you a specific diet that will help “normalize” your life. In it you will keep up with:
- What you eat (including beverages)
- How much you eat
- How often you eat
- Foods that are associated with Crohn’s flare-ups
- Foods you tolerate well
- Any patterns at all associated with what you eat
It may take 2 weeks to see patterns, although you probably already know which foods seem to set you off. It may take longer. The point is that once you start recording, don’t stop until you have a comprehensive Crohn’s Disease Diet.
Crohn’s Disease Diet: What Should I Eat?
There are a multitude of diets out there that claim to be the “right one” for someone who suffers from Crohn’s disease. Each one will give honest testimony about how it has helped eliminate symptoms for many people with the same circumstances you are in. The only problem is that what was a good Crohn’s Disease Diet for one, may not be for the other.
That’s why that Food Journal is going to be so important. It’s through those meticulous notes that you are going to find foods that you can eat with the least amount of symptoms. Once you have that information then it’s time to go look for a diet, or set one up yourself.
Perhaps it would be better to look at some foods that seem to have adverse effects for most Crohn’s Disease sufferers. Remember this is a not a hard and fast list. Just be particularly cautious with these foods.
- dairy products
- oils (butter, mayonnaise, margarine)
- soda and other carbonated drinks
- caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate)
- corn husks
- fried foods
- foods high in fiber
- gas-producing foods (lentils, beans, legumes, cabbage, broccoli, onions)
- nuts and seeds (peanut butter, other nut butters)
- raw fruits
- raw vegetables
- red meat and pork
- spicy foods
- whole grains and bran
- alcohol (mixed drinks, beer, wine)
If you suffer from malnutrition, due to reduced absorption of nutrients that’s often associated with Crohn’s, you may need to increase your calorie and protein intake. This may be particularly important because you aren’t getting the things your body needs to function properly.
What is a Good Crohn’s Disease Diet?
If you’re reading this series of articles, then it’s likely you or someone you know is looking for a Crohn’s Disease Diet. The most important thing to take away from this reading is that you have to start recording your eating habits, and compare them to your symptom flare-ups or reductions. Then and only then, can you make an informed, productive decision about a Crohn’s Disease Diet.
Which is NOT on the “Food Watch List” for a Crohn’s Disease?
a. Alcohol
b. Cooked Potatoes
c. Fried Foods
d. Raw Vegetables
True or False: It’s OK to eat what you want with Crohn’s.
a. True
b. False
All are part of the GI Tract except:
a. Mouth
b. Intestines
c. Rectum
d. Sinuses
Answers at the bottom of the page!
The Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis Bible & Isaac Protocol
Ada Nowak is a former sufferer of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She is also a noted health consultant with years of experience. With The Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis Bible & Isaac Protocol she has discovered a way to eliminate the embarrassment and pain, both physical and mental, that accompanies Crohn’s Disease. Are you tired of:
• Suffering from diarrhea
• Feeling inexplicably weak
• Having red ulcers and nodules on your skin
• Abdominal cramps
If you are tired of these symptoms, along with many others, then it’s time to do something about it. Nowak’s book is that something. Nowak employs a method known as The Isaac Protocol. The Protocol is a 5 step method that rids your body of harmful substances and replaces them with preventative measures.
Based on the breakthrough holistic methods of Dr. Alfred Pischinger, this Protocol will change your life. No longer will you:
• Worry about “after meal” pain
• Blindly use products that contribute to recurrence
• Be depressed because of your suppressed lifestyle
With 4 Free Bonus Books you’ll also learn about:
• Metabolism
• Herbal Remedies
• Health Insurance Access
• Natural Detox
These alone are a worth over $100, but with the addition of over $150 of Super Bonus material, The Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis Bible & Isaac Protocol becomes a value you can’t pass up no matter what the price. Well, for just $37, you get all this, plus a 60 day 100% Money Back Guarantee. So don’t wait, it’s time to feel better, and with Nowak’s revolutionary process, that time is a key stroke away.
Answers: 1) b, 2) b, 3) d
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